Pittsburgh Stem Cell

1187 Thorn Run Road Extension Suite 310, Moon, PA 15108



(412) 329-7321



Pittsburgh Stem Cell offers regenerative medicine. The human body possesses a powerful capability to regenerate and heal itself, but this regenerative capability goes far beyond what scientists once thought possible. Research and early patient success suggest that there is hope for a wide variety of human tissue to become regeneration-capable. Cells are the building blocks of our bodies. They are given specific purpose, and do not deviate from that purpose. For instance, cells tasked with being lung tissue will always be such. They cannot change their function and become heart-tissue builders. Stem cells are different. Stem cells are the body’s raw materials. They have the unique capability of changing their specialized function in order to help restore health anywhere in the body.

Furthermore, when called upon, they replicate, creating new cells that repair or replace a damaged or diseased area in order to maintain proper bodily function. There is powerful evidence that the regenerative capabilities of organs such as the skin, liver, heart, and lungs can be accomplished by optimally directing these powerful cells to do that task.

Besides, over the last decade, medical advancements in the exciting field of stem-cell research and treatment have grown at an exponential rate. Clinical trials are providing new and valuable data that are helping teams like ours stay on the cutting edge of medical breakthroughs. These sophisticated treatments can be life changing for so many individuals suffering from incurable diseases. During your initial consultation, the team will discuss a recommended protocol, associated pricing, and answer any questions you might have about stem-cell therapy.


Pittsburgh Stem Cell

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